Rewarding Loyalty & Excellence

First Fresh is New Zealand’s largest citrus and persimmon supplier to the domestic market. They supply Foodstuffs, Woolworths and large independent fresh produce retailers. They also export produce to the US, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, China, Thailand and UAE. First Fresh is NZ’s largest persimmon exporter.
For First Fresh, the key drivers for success are supply, volume and quality. Of these, surety of supply from growers is of paramount importance. Growers can be easily swayed by price so First Fresh needed to find a way to make their 150 growers feel valued and rewarded for their efforts.
The category norm
The fresh produce industry is highly competitive and growers often feel under-valued, seeing the big retailers as the only winners with high margins at store level. Therefore many see little benefit in committing to one marketer, often having to chase the best price for their produce.
The standout idea
Rewarding growers with the recognition they deserve.
In a first for the industry, First Fresh launched a Loyalty Recognition Agreement, giving Gisborne citrus growers the real rewards they deserve, inviting them to commit to a long term supply agreement in return for a package of rebates and business benefits that would make a positive difference to their profitability – especially with on-orchard costs increasing faster than increases in orchard gate returns.
From this highly successful initiative, First Fresh saw an opportunity to continue to grow loyalty and celebrate grower successes by launching the Freshies, an annual event to thank the growers for their loyalty, outstanding contribution and efforts.
Outstanding execution
Now in its 10th year, this event is has gone from strength to strength, being a must-attend on the growers’ calendar.
The dispatch area in the packhouse is transformed into a stunning venue, with guest speakers (such as John Kirwan, Rachel Hunter, Eric Rush, Al Brown, David Downs), canapés and live music, a sit down dinner and dessert, and an awards ceremony to call out the best-in-category winners and other recognition awards. This event epitomises First Fresh’s utmost respect and gratitude to the growers for their ongoing commitment to First Fresh, and for growing world-class produce.

Growers awards

Supreme trophy

Awards night